Broken Arrow Design Lab 

What is Badlab?

Broken Arrow Design Lab (BAdLab) is one of Vanguard Academy’s full-time programs that uses Human-Centered Design to address real-world needs with real people. Students get hands-on experience using HCD in their every day classes. BAdLab focuses on growing community partners and thrives off communication and teamwork.

The heart of the program, Design Rotation, is the one-of-a-kind student-led class for sophomores and juniors who work with community partners to address their needs, developing Services, Systems, Spaces, and Products. There are four main driving units each nine weeks, including Project Good, Pay It Forward, Entreprenuership, and Partnership Cafe. Each area helps focus projects throughout the community.

Meet the coaches

The educators behind our program’s success.

  • Design Rotatio Coach

    Andrew Darrow is BAd Lab’s Design Rotation coach. He has been an educator for over a decade, and specializes in in STEM pathways such as computer coding, science, math, and engineering design. He empowers innovators here at Vanguard to find problems they hope to solve in their community by using Human Centered Design principles, critical thinking, empathy interviews, and partnerships.

  • Upcoming Design Roation Coach.