Design Rotation

Mission Statement

“Building captivating solutions for all people by establishing strong relationships for the betterment of our tomorrow.”

The Four Units of Design Rotation

Project Good

Innovators design solutions to make Broken Arrow a better place to live, work, go to school, and play.

Pay It FOrward

Innovators work to improve the experience for the future of Broken Arrow Public Schools.


Innovators work on a passion project of their own design, solving a local, national, or world problem that they are personally invested in.

Partnership cafe

Innovators partner with local businesses, non-profits, or community members to solve problems within our community.

Tu toy design competition

The Leisure Park Toy Design Project was an opportunity created for innovators in Design Rotation to compete with students from the University of Tulsa’s Toy Design class. The overall objective of the competition is to address educational problems within the classroom by designing an engaging, educational toy to solve any concerns observed in the classroom. Various groups in our class were formed and given the liberty to choose which classroom they wished to design a toy for; those options ranged from an English class, math, art, special education, a 1st grade class, and the Library.

The last implementation phase of the competition took place on May 8th, 2024, and was tested by a variety of Leisure Park students. Children then voted for whichever respected toy they enjoyed interacting with more. The competition came in at a score of 3-2, resulting in a win for Vanguard Academy.